Hip Extension
Hip extension exercises are great for developing strong glutes and strong hamstrings. Strong hip extensors will help you with balance, posture, running, walking, weight loss, and more. Keep reading to learn more, or, if you'd rather watch the video on hip extension, click the image below.
Hip flexion means your leg is moving forward and the anterior joint angle is getting smaller. Therefore, hip extension means your leg is moving backwards and the same joint angle is getting larger. We have images of these joint angles in the video above. We have exercise demos in the video too!
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The primary movers for hip extension are gluteus maximus and your hamstring muscles. Your lower back muscles are also secondary movers. Hip extensor exercises are a great way to keep your core and your lower body strong. Of course, it's always a good idea to practice muscular balance, so you should also work out your hip flexor muscles along with your hip abductors and your hip adductors.
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Barbell back squats may be the most well known hip extension exercise in the gym. Squats are great for your glutes, hams, and quads. Because your body requires stabilization during a squat, your stabilizer muscles will also get some work. Squats also gets your heart going which burns up a lot of calories. Click this link to learn more about the benefits of squats.
Lose Weight
Hip extension exercises usually burn up more calories than other exercises. If weight loss is your goal, use multi-joint, large muscle exercises, as much as possible. Some fat burning, hip extension exercises include squats, lunges, walking, jogging, etc. Add in some chest exercises and some back exercises and you have a perfect muscle building, fat burning routine. Want more weight loss tips? Click on the image below to learn other ways to boost your metabolism.
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Hip extension is a very important joint action. You should include hip extension exercises at least once per week. You can do something as simple as air squats to something more advanced like walking lunges with a barbell on your shoulders. Check out the video above for more tips and tricks. Happy health and happy training!
Written By
RAescobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer