Bolster Your Immune System

The BEST medicine is always a strong immune system, especially NOW more than EVER! Therefore, we’ve listed our top 5, science backed tips, on building a stronger immune system. These are easy to implement into your daily lives and you can start them today. Keep reading to learn more on building a stronger immune system.


The first thing you need to do is become more active. We need to keep our bodies strong, and there is no better medicine than exercise. There have been many studies that support a strong correlation between exercise and a strong immune system. In fact, Nieman et al. (2011) was able to prove that fit people reduce their incidences of flus and colds by 41%. That’s correct! If you are exercising regularly, you are able to reduce the chance of obtaining a virus by almost half. There is no reason you shouldn't try to be more active every week if not every day.

We have written many articles and produced many videos on exercise. Click the image below to watch our latest video on hip extension.

hip extension exercises at pfta schools

Exercise Recommendations

The same study also showed there were some limitations with exercise. Exercising only once per week did not show much improvement. On the other hand, exercising too much also limited the improvements of your immune system. The key to bolstering your immune system is to exercise 3 to 5 times per week. Work out hard, but also give your body a chance to recover and to get stronger.

If you can’t get to the gym, there are things you can do at home. In the video below, I'll show you how to perform 10 exercises with very little equipment. Click the image to learn more.

home workout at pfta schools

Sleep is Important

It has been well documented that sleep is important for a strong immune system; unfortunately, because of our busy schedules, sleep deprivation is far too common. Throw in the stress work and inflation, and now you’re really talking about a weakened immune system. Ironically, what our body needs most is less worry and more sleep. A review by Gomez et al. (2012) noted that your white blood cell count is very dependent on the amount of sleep you get. The more rest you get, the more your body will be able to fight off any virus.

And if you want to learn more about our exercise science and sports nutrition classes, click the image below for more info.

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Hormone Secretion

Furthermore, a good sleeping pattern leads to perfect hormone balance. If you need more reason to sleep, let’s not forget about your muscles. Most of your growth hormone secretion occurs as you sleep. It is important to get a good night’s sleep every night. Many experts believe 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night should be enough to keep your immune system strong! Listen to your body and get your rest! You aren't sleepy? Work out, have a post-workout snack, then get some sleep. Win, win, win!!!

Need help with an exercise plan and/or nutrition strategy, click the image below to contact a PFTA certified personal trainer.

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Good Nutrition

Everywhere we look, there are snacks at our disposal. Unfortunately, most of those snacks are unhealthy. An occasional cheat meal is OK; but, too many cheat meals may lead to obesity. Chandra (2002) confirms a poor immune system can be linked to the obesity epidemic. We need to eat healthy on purpose. We need to plan our diets carefully. If we leave our health to chance with readily available snacks, we may not like the result. Our bodies need vitamins and minerals to keep our immune system strong, which means more fruits and vegetable and less junk food.

If you need help with a nutrition plan, contact the personal trainer above, or, click the image below to calculate your own macros. The quicker you get started, the better!

find your macros at pfta schools


If I head to guess, I would guess that your diet does NOT have enough protein in it. I've trained 1000s of clients and students, and most of them were NOT getting enough protein. Consuming .75 grams per pound of bodyweight is a great start. Some may need a few more, others may need a few less. The video above shows you how to estimate your protein needs. But, if you want to read more about your protein needs , click on the image below. Make good food choices, eat plenty of protein, and soon your immune system will be ready to fight any virus that comes your way!

proteins requirements at pfta schools

Limit Alcohol Consumption

I understand stress and alcohol consumption go hand in hand; but, you have to make smarter decisions for your health's sake. Pasala et al. (2015) noted many studies linking heavy alcohol drinking with a weakened immune system. But there is some good news: moderate drinking of alcohol may have some benefits to a healthy, strong immune system. What is moderate drinking? Most experts would agree that 1 or 2 glasses is considered moderate drinking. Or more specifically, 1 glass for smaller females, 2 glasses for large males. Click this link to read more about the health benefits of red wine.

wine and exercise at pfta schools

Avoid Mental Stress

This is easier said than done. Stress is at an all-time high with a worldwide pandemic and skyrocketing inflation. But, keep in mind that stress has been linked to a weakened immune system. In fact, Vasile (2016) even noted that prolonged periods of stress may even be linked to some cancers. We need to keep our immune systems strong, especially while dealing with any new viruses headed our way. Try to relax, get some rest, and and some type of daily activity. If you can’t get to your gym, maybe you can go for a walk in the neighborhood. In fact, click this link to get more tips on relieving stress. More exercise and less stress will surely bolster your immune system!

stress relief at pfta schools

Knowledge is Power

And if you want more tips on exercise and nutrition, add your email below. You'll receive weekly tips directly to your inbox. Plus, you'll also receive the occasional coupon code for our classes.


As we all know, we need a strong immune system to fight the newest virus headed our way. These five steps will assure that your body is ready to fight. Start an exercise plan. This will reduce the stress in your life plus keep your body strong. Make good food choices. We need vitamins, minerals, protein, and other nutrients to keep our bodies strong. Limit the amount of alcohol. If you need a drink, 1-2 per day may not hurt your immune system. And finally, choose to reduce mental stress and anxiety. Nothing zaps your energy and your immune system like mental stress. This also means to get some rest. Instead of stress eating, take a nap. The down time will do wonders! Hopefully, these five tips will keep your immune system strong and ready to fight! Happy health and happy training!

Written By

RAEscobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer


Chandra, R. K. “Nutrition and the Immune System from Birth to Old Age.” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 56, no. 8, Aug. 2002, p. S73.

Gómez, González, Beatriz, et al. “Role of Sleep in the Regulation of the Immune System and the Pituitary Hormones.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1261, no. 1, July 2012, pp. 97–106.

Nieman, David C., et al. “Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Is Reduced in Physically Fit and Active Adults.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 45, no. 12, Sept. 2011, pp. 987–992

Pasala, Sumana, et al. “Impact of Alcohol Abuse on the Adaptive Immune System.” Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, vol. 37, no. 2, Apr. 2015, pp. 185–197.

VASILE, TEODOR. “Relationship between Stress, Cancer and Immune System.” Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, vol. 7, no. 2, May 2016, pp. 73–81.