Music and Workouts

Do you exercise with your own music playlist? If not, maybe you should try it. The science shows that listening to your favorite beats while exercising may improve your workout performance. Keep reading to learn more.

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Make Your Own Playlist

One of the keys to improving your workout performance may be to listen to your own playlist. Bartolomei et al. (2015) performed a study with 31 men for two workout sessions. All the subjects performed the bench press for strength and endurance. Neither the control group nor the study group were allowed to listen to music for their first workout session.

Furthermore, the control group was NOT allowed to listen to music on their second workout BUT the study group did listen to music. After analyzing the data, the control group did NOT see any improvement from the first workout to the second workout BUT the study group, which listened to music, did see improvements. In fact, they were able to increase the amount of bench press reps while listening to music. This data shows that listening to your favorite music, while you are working out, may improve your muscular strength and/or endurance.

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Seniors and Music

But working out with music isn’t only for young people. It turns out anyone who listens to music can enjoy a boost of energy for their workouts. A study done by van den Elzen et al. (2019) with older people averaging 70 years old, also benefited from their favorite music. The older subjects were tested on grip strength while listening to their favorite music. A second group listened to random music during their workout. And a third group did NOT listen to any music at all while working out.

The data concluded that the subjects who listened to their favorite music performed significantly better than the other two groups. This means that listening to the gym's music can be beneficial, but, if you really want to get an extra boost, then you need to create a playlist, bring your headphones, and jam to your own tunes.

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Music in the Heat

But the benefits aren't only for the gym. Do you enjoy outdoor workouts? Is it hot in your area? Then you definitely need to grab your headphones and listen to your own playlist. English et al. (2019) showed that the subjects who listened to music in a hot environment accomplished 10% more work than when they didn't have their music. If they had done the study on weight training, I'm sure the results would have been similar. So next time you hit the outdoors or a warehouse gym, don’t forget your water and your headphones.

Speaking of water, there are many benefits to staying hydrated. You will even burn fat more efficiently when you are properly hydrated. How much water should you be drinking? Click the image below to find out.

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Music Theory

How does music improve workout performance? There are several working theories, but we are going to discuss the two most popular opinions. One study showed that the rate of perceived exertion was lower when you listened to music. This means you don't feel as tired because you're listening to your favorite music. Which also means you're working out harder and longer because you don't feel as tired. More sets and more reps means improved performance whether your goal is to burn fat or build muscle.

Another theory is the increased adrenaline release because of your favorite music. The more adrenaline is flowing through your veins, the more you will break down carbs and fat for energy, thus performing more work. This theory is very similar to the caffeine theory of giving you more energy. Do you take caffeine before you work out? Caffeine and music sounds like the perfect pre-workout! Click the image below to read more about the benefits of caffeine with exercise.

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Knowledge is Power

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As you may have guessed, music does affect your workouts in a positive way. The science has concluded that workout performance definitely improves when you are listening to music during your workout. The key takeaway is to choose your own music when you are going to work out. Random gym music has some benefit, but not as much as your own playlist. So construct a playlist, drink your pre-workout, put on your headphones, and have a great workout! Happy health and happy training!

Written By

RAescobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer


Bartolomei, Sandro, et al. “Effects of Self-Selected Music on Maximal Bench Press Strength and Strength Endurance.” Perceptual And Motor Skills, vol. 120, no. 3, June 2015, pp. 714–721.

English, Timothy, et al. “Listening to Motivational Music Mitigates Heat-Related Reductions in Exercise Performance.” Physiology and Behavior, vol. 208, Sept. 2019, p. 112567.

van den Elzen, Nadja, et al. “The Power of Music: Enhancing Muscle Strength in Older People.” Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 7, no. 3, June 2019.