Holiday Weight Loss

It's no debate that most Americans gain weight this time of year. Many experts believe we gain anywhere from 1 to 5 pounds from Halloween to New Year's Day; but, the good news is there are things you can do to limit the weight gain this holiday season. You might even lose a few pounds if you follow the 5 tips below. Keep reading to learn more!

holiday weight loss tips at pfta schools

Just One Day

Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal. But remember, Thanksgiving is just 1 day. No need to stuff yourself for 2, 3, or even 4 days on this holiday break. You can also plan for a big Thanksgiving Day by limiting your calories the day before, and the day after Thanksgiving. We call this kind of planning a caloric budget. Spend your calories wisely.

Even better if you can get the correct amount of macros for your Thanksgiving dinner. Not sure how to calculate macros? Click the image below to check out a simple way to calculate your macros.

find your macros at pfta schools

Taste Everything But...

Don't overindulge on anything. Remember, the purpose of eating is to satisfy your hunger. The holidays doesn't have to be stuffing yourself like a Thanksgiving turkey. Make it a point to taste everything, but don't overserve yourself. Meals are best enjoyed when you can savor the many different flavors at the Thanksgiving table.

But if you are going to overeat on anything, choose protein. Protein is great for your muscles and your metabolism. How much protein do you need? Click this link to estimate Your Protein Needs.

And click the image below if you want to learn more about our exercise and nutrition classes.

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Water and Veggies

If you don't want any more protein, load up on water and veggies. Drinking water and eating vegetables is important every day; but, it's really important when you have a smorgasbord of food at your disposal. Water and veggies will give you that fullness feeling without adding a whole lot of calories.

Speaking of water, do you know how much you should be drinking each day? Click this link to learn more about your water requirements..


Even if you do overeat, it's not the end of the world. You just need to get back on the saddle. The easiest thing to do is go for a walk after a large, holiday meal. But if you want a harder workout, some gyms will still be open during the holiday. In fact, Anytime Fitness is open 24/7/365, at least they are in Round Rock.

As a bonus, exercise has been proven to reduce holiday stress and control blood sugar if you have eaten too many sweets. Click this link to learn more about the stress-reducing benefits of exercise. And if you want to learn more about exercise, you can start by clicking on the image below. Hip extension exerises burn lots of calories!

hip extension exercises at pfta schools

Shop Till You Drop

More and more people are starting to shop online every year; but, if you still enjoy getting out, maybe you should shop your pounds away. If you don't want to walk outside, maybe you can enjoy a long walk at an indoor or outdoor mall.

If you like doing your shopping online, maybe you can burn calories by decorating your home for the holidays. Crawl up in the attic and get down all your decorations. Starting putting up the tree, lights, and more. Before you know it, you would have burned several hundred calories decorating your, win!

Need help with an exercise and/or a nutrition plan? Click the image below to speak with a PFTA certified personal trainer.

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Knowledge is Power

And if you want more tips on exercise and nutrition, add your email below. You'll receive weekly tips directly to your inbox. Plus, you'll also receive the occasional coupon code for our classes.


Enjoy the holidays with your friends and family. Taste all the delicious flavors in the cornucopia of foods at your disposal. But keep in mind you still have fitness goals. You don't have to wait until January to start or continue your fitness journey. You can get started right after your Thanksgiving meal! Happy health and happy training!

Written By

RAEscobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer