#1 Personal Training Job Market is Booming
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the personal training industry will increase at a rate of 10% from 2016 to 2026. That’s well above average for all occupations in the United States and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. More and more Americans are seeking help from personal trainers to get in better shape. Personal trainers just don’t help with exercise; the best personal trainers also help with diets and meal plans. If you’re ready to work as a personal trainer, there are employers ready to hire you! In fact, many gyms and exercise facilities contact us every week looking for personal trainers. We try to set up jobs for all of our personal trainer graduates.

#2 Learn Proper Exercise Technique
If you’ve been to the gym lately, you’ve seen thousands of people do the same exercise a thousand different ways. You might even question who’s really doing the exercise correctly and who’s going to get hurt? It could be quite confusing especially since some of these people are supposed to be “certified personal trainers” but instead look just as confused as their clients. Learning correct exercise technique is a perk for all trainers that learn from professionals at a hands-on school. Knowing proper form can prevent many injuries in the short term and long term. It's possible you and your clients won’t feel the faulty biomechanics now, but after a few weeks, you and your clients will really feel all those reps that were performed with bad technique. This alone could save you thousands of dollars in medical bills in the long run! To learn more about exercise science and sports nutrition, click the image below.

#3 Learn Metabolism and Macros
Exercise is only half the equation. In order for you and your clients to see results quickly and effectively, exercise needs to be accompanied by a good nutrition strategy. As a PFTA Sports Nutritionist, you will learn how to estimate resting metabolic rate and total metabolism by adding in the appropriate factors. Once you have a good idea of someone’s metabolism, now you can design a more accurate diet based on science, not on the latest fad. If you want to learn more about increasing your metabolism, click on the image below. We give you several tips on how to increase metabolism.

#4 Trade Schools Are More Affordable Than College
It’s almost that time of the election season when we start talking about college tuition again. The rising cost of education is increasing at an alarming rate. An article on CNBC shows that college tuition at a public university, from 1988 to 2018, went up 213%!! And that number has already been adjusted for inflation!! Everyone agrees that something needs to change. But I digress, this blog isn’t about fixing college tuition; this blog is about giving you an alternative. Trade schools can give you a great career for a fraction of the costs. Don’t get me wrong, I would never say, “Don’t go to college!” What I’m saying is that not everyone wants to go to college or not everyone can afford to go to college anymore and trade schools, like PFTA Personal Trainer School, can be a good start to a great career! Plus, learning at a gym is fun! I can’t say the same for a world history class.

#5 Making a Difference
There aren’t many jobs where you can say you actually make a difference in a person’s life. Sure, all jobs are important but are you really making a difference in someone’s life? Have you seen tears of joy like we have seen at the gym? I’ve been a personal trainer for over 20 years, and I can tell you I’ve seen my share of high fives, hugs, laughs, and tears. I’ve seen many clients come to tears when they get to their goal weight. Many clients have cried when the doctor has taken them off blood pressure or cholesterol medication. I’ve seen huge smiles when the cross the finish line at a 5K for the first time. Many, many people just like that are waiting for help from a person like you! Are you ready to start a new journey?
If you have a passion for health and fitness and you love helping others, let us help you get started.
Knowledge is Power
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Written By
RAEscobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer