Female Power
Weight training isn't just for big muscles. There are many reasons why women should lift weights. Lifting weights produces stronger bones, which will reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Lifting weights will boost your metabolism. A faster metabolism will help you lose a few pounds. Lifting weights can even help you get a date! I'm not making this up! Keep reading to learn more.

Stronger Bones
There are many studies that have shown an increase in bone density with weight training. Guadalupe-Grau (2009) reviewed many studies and concluded that the best exercises to improve bone density are weight bearing or high impact exercises. This means that lifting weights and/or jumping would be perfect to improve bone density. Unfortunately, the exercises with little to no weight bearing on your bones, like swimming and walking, have little positive effect on bone density. On the other hand, you don't have to lift super heavy to improve bone density. Just adding simple exercises like walking lunges and push-ups will do wonders for your bone density.
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Boost Your Metabolism
One of the components of your active metabolism is exercise. Your active metabolism is a combination of resting metabolic rate, normal everyday activity, and structured exercise. So it would stand to reason that adding exercise to your daily routine will automatically boost your metabolism. But that's not all, weight training keeps your fire burning long after you’ve racked your last set of dumbbells. The "After Burn" keeps calories burning long after you've left the gym. In fact, Schuenke (2002) was able to show that metabolism is elevated for up to 38 hours after a 30-minute weight training circuit! It turns out weight training also burns fat while you sleep!
Need more tips on boosting your metabolism? Click on the image below to learn more.

Improve Insulin Sensitivity
As people get older, it is normal for there to be a slight decrease in insulin sensitivity and possibly an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. But, that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. Poehlman (2002) published a study where young women increased their insulin sensitivity with a weight training program. The women in the study lifted weights 3 non-consecutive days per week. Lifting weights will control your blood sugar and possibly lessen the risk for type 2 diabetes. And of course, working out lowers your blood sugar naturally because your cells start to absorb the sugar from your blood. But if you have a sweet tooth, click the image below to learn more about eating sweets before, during, and after your workouts.

Stress Relief
Another great benefit of weight training is stress relief. Exercise reduces anxiety and depression for most people. In fact, Ossip-Klein et al. (1989) did a yearlong study with 40 clinically depressed women, and those who exercised improved their self-concept over those who did not exercise. Going to the gym will not only improve your health and fitness levels, but, it may also reduce stress, anxiety, and/or depression. Plus, exercise is usually cheaper than most medicines and exercises doesn't have a large list of negative side effects. Click the image below to read more about exercise and stress relief.

Muscular Strength
Strong muscles aren’t only sexy, but it seems they are very necessary to get around these days. You need strong muscles to lift your heavy purse. You need strong muscles to stow away your heavy carry-on into the overhead compartment. And of course, you need strong muscles to carry around your little dog with you every where you go! Please do your dog a favor and lift some weights so you don’t drop him! AS you can tell it's essential to have strong muscles, especially strong shoulders. Click the image below to watch Amber work out all three deltoid muscles.

Go On A Date
Many women lift weights for aesthetic reasons and it appears to be paying off. In fact, in an article written by Katy Young (2016), she discovered that men actually preferred dating women who lift weights. It seems that times have changed. No longer are most men looking for ultra thin females, and the numbers from her polls seem to prove that. Katy confirmed that 63% of men preferred dating women who lifted weights. There are many benefits to lifting, but if you’re single, maybe lifting weights can help change that!
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Lifting weights isn’t just for growing big muscles. There are a lot of benefits to lifting weights. There may have been a time where it was frowned upon for women to lifts weights, but times have changed, and now it’s not only accepted, but it seems to be the new norm! There’s really isn’t any reason NOT to lift weights. It's easy to get started. So for the reasons listed above, along with many others, I hope you’ll start a resistance training program soon! If you need help getting started, click the image for a FREE consultation with a personal trainer. Happy health and happy training!
Written By
RAescobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer
Guadalupe-Grau A; Fuentes T; Guerra B; Calbet JA. Exercise and bone mass in adults. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) 2009; Vol. 39 (6), pp. 439-68.
Ossip-Klein, Deborah J.; And Others. Effects of Running or Weight Lifting on Self-Concept in Clinically Depressed Women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v57 n1 p158-61 Feb 1989.
Poehlman ET, Dvorak RV, DeNino WF, Brochu M, Ades PA. Effects of resistance training and endurance training on insulin sensitivity in nonobese, young women: a controlled randomized trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Jul;85(7):2463-8.
Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM. Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2002 Mar; Vol. 86 (5), pp. 411-7.
Young, Katy. What's all the fuss about women lifting weights? Daily Telegraph (London). 01/02/2016, p16-16. 1.